E-library is an electronic or digital based website, which is used for publication’s media such as E-books, E-journals, and scientific papers. E-library can be used to fill knowledge and references for students who is currently undergoing research. This study aims to analyze the quality of the E-library at the Polytechnic State Library of Jember based on the existing characteristics ISO 25010.ISO 25010 has 8 characteristics, but only 7 characteristics used in this study including functional suitability, usability, reliability, performance efficiency, security, maintainability and portability. By using a questionnaire filled out by students, lecturers, technicians and staff of the Polytechnic State Library of Jember as respondents. The data analysis uses the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The percentage of E-library quality will be determined from the measurement stage. The result from this study was obtained from the averages percentage calculation of each characteristics, a questionnaire distributed to lecturers, technicians and students, the Functional Suitability is 71.47%, Reliability is 73.88%, Performance Efficiency is 67.04%, Usability is 70.39%, Maintainability is 79.17% and Portability is 79.51%.Therefore the questionnaire distributed to the staff of the UPT Library give result Functional Suitability is 74.87%, Reliability is 75.75%, Performance Efficiency is 73.76%, Usability is 73.24%, Maintainability is 77.14%, Security is 75.27% and Portability of 82.72%. Overall percentage results have an average percentage 73.58% (lecturers, technicians and students) and 76.11% (UPT Library employees). The result percentage as a whole has an average percentage of 74.84% thus it can be stated that it has a "good" interpretation. So it can be concluded that The E-library website at the Jember State Polytechnic Library meets ISO 25010 standards.