Career Development & Counselling website is one of the services provided by Jember State Polytechnic and has a vision as a job information center, student counseling, career preparation program, internship program, job placement center, and tracer study of students and alumni of Jember State Polytechnic. This research aims to find out the response from users in general to conduct a quality assessment of the Website Career Development &Counselling Jember State Polytechnic. In this study will use the ISO / IEC 25010 method to find out the quality of the Career Development & Counselling website with the characteristics of functional suitability, usability, reliability, performance efficiency, security, compatibility, maintainability, and portability using questionnaires that will be filled out by students and alumni of Jember State Polytechnic as respondents. The results of this study are the average percentage value of each functional suitability characteristic 88%, usability 61%, reliability 80%, performance efficiency 77%, security 79%, compatibility 77%, maintainability 78%, and portability 80%. Based on the average percentage above 77.5%, so website career development & counselling has "good" quality.