CV Bonjor Jaya is a manufacturing company for metal casting and
manholes, grills, garden chairs, pulleys, hot plates, street lights, roof drains, iron
wheels, gears, ornaments. Moreover, to meet the production materials in this
company, CV Bonjor Jaya requires suppliers of raw materials to large
companies. This study aims to assist CV Bonjor Jaya in determining suppliers of
raw materials according to the criteria that have been targeted by CV Bonjor
Jaya. In this study, the Fuzzy Tsukamoto method was used to determine the output
value in determining the best supplier by the criteria of management capability,
price, delivery performance, technical capability, and geographical location. The
results of this study obtained a decision support system in determining suppliers
based on the criteria targeted by CV Bonjor Jaya with a system accuracy result of
80%, which means that the supplier selection decision support system using the
Tsukamoto fuzzy method is accurate.